Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the primary body through which faculty participate in the shared governance of the University of Denver.

The Senate is composed of approximately 90 members elected to represent the University's academic units.

Much of the Senate's work is accomplished through its five Standing Committees:

  • people

    Academic Planning Committee (APC)

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    Financial Planning Committee (FPC)

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    Nominations, Credentials & Rules (NCR)

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    Personnel Committee

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    Student Relations Committee (SRC)

PDF of the descriptions (drawn from the Senate Constitution)

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC) includes the Chairs of the five Standing Committees, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and several at-large members. Questions and concerns may be addressed through elected departmental or divisional Senators, or may be addressed to the Senate President at Dean.Saitta@orkexpo.net.

Learn more about Faculty Senate: Senate 101
